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How many calories can we burn by taking 10,000 steps a day?

Do you know how many calories you can burn by taking 10,000 steps a day, i.e. walking for around 90 minutes? By entering the number of steps (from 1000 to 50,000 steps) and your weight in kilos, you can get an idea of how many calories you burn.
How many calories does 10,000 steps burn? Discover how many calories you can burn depending on weight and number of steps.
The table below shows how many calories are lost and burnt by taking 1000 to 50,000 steps!
Examples of expenditure in Kcal per number of steps according to weight
Below you can see some data on calorie expenditure according to the number of steps taken and the weight of different people between 50 and 80 kilos.
Number of steps | 50 kg | 60kg | 70kg | 80kg |
1000 steps | 24 | 28 | 33 | 38 |
2000 steps | 47 | 57 | 66 | 76 |
3000 steps | 71 | 85 | 99 | 113 |
4000 steps | 95 | 113 | 132 | 151 |
5000 steps | 118 | 142 | 165 | 189 |
6000 steps | 142 | 170 | 198 | 227 |
7000 steps | 165 | 198 | 232 | 265 |
8000 steps | 189 | 227 | 265 | 302 |
9000 steps | 213 | 255 | 298 | 340 |
10 000 steps | 236 | 284 | 331 | 378 |
15 000 steps | 354 | 425 | 496 | 567 |
20,000 steps | 473 | 567 | 662 | 756 |
25,000 steps | 591 | 709 | 827 | 945 |
30,000 steps | 709 | 851 | 992 | 1134 |
35 000 steps | 827 | 992 | 1158 | 1323 |
40,000 steps | 945 | 1134 | 1323 | 1512 |
45 000 steps | 1063 | 1276 | 1488 | 1701 |
50 000 steps | 1181 | 1418 | 1654 | 1890 |
10,000 Steps: Steps to calories converter
The result displayed is expressed in Kcal and is calculated using the MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task). The MET for each activity is the result of statistical data and cannot therefore be interpreted as an exact calculation, but rather as an estimate that takes into account the MET value and the ratio between the time spent doing an activity and the weight of the individual.
For example: The MET value for 10,000 steps refers to the caloric expenditure of ordinary walking and is 3. This means that a person who takes 10,000 steps consumes 3 times more energy than when resting. This varies, of course, with the level of intensity, as we shall see below.
MET values for different levels of walking intensity
To calculate the number of steps, we have used calm walking.
- Calm walk MET = 3
- Brisk walking MET = 4.5
- Nordic Walking MET = 5
- Olympic walking MET = 6.5
Discover the detailed formula to calculate your daily energy expenditure when walking
Consumption in Kcal per minute = (METs*3.5*Weight in kilos)/200
This means that for a person weighing 60 kilos taking a leisurely walk for 30 minutes:
Consumption in Kcal per minute = (3*3.5*60)/200 = 3.15 Kcal/min
So for 30 minutes = 3.15*30 = 94 kcal for 30 minutes
Other dossiers on steps and health:
- How many steps per day to stay healthy?
- How many daily steps to shed weight?
- What is the step goal for a more active, less sedentary life?
- Duration required to walk 10,000 steps
- How many kilometers can you walk in 10,000 steps?
As well as its impact on calorie expenditure, walking is beneficial in many other ways. It contributes to cardiovascular health, helps maintain good bone density, improves mood and mental well-being, and promotes quality sleep.
Walking is also a physical activity that is accessible to everyone, whatever their age or level of fitness. It requires no special equipment and can be done anywhere, whether in the city, the countryside, on a beach or in the mountains.
It is also important to note that even short periods of walking can bring significant benefits. The World Health Organisation, for example, recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, which can be achieved by walking 30 minutes a day for 5 days.
In conclusion, making walking part of your daily routine is a simple and effective way of improving your health and well-being. It’s a habit that can be easily adopted and maintained over the long term, for lasting health benefits. So don’t hesitate, put on your shoes and take a step towards a healthier, more active lifestyle!
And what about other activities?